On the 10th of March 2022 the consortium of THE FACTORY OF IDEAS (2021-1-ES02-KA220- YOU-000028576), KA220-YOU- Cooperation Partnership in Youth, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, met online for the first time.

The project aims to stimulate youth knowledge on social entrepreneurship through the implementation of a gamified learning pathway. The Factory of Ideas has been designed to face the social and economic crisis deriving from the covid-19 pandemic: in this framework, social innovation and entrepreneurship have showed all their potential, contributing to the safeguard of the whole society, and offering solution to the deep inequalities emerged during the sanitary emergency. In order to address the above-mentioned needs and to engage youth, the project consortium is going to develop two main results:

  • A methodological guide as a curriculum with contents on social entrepeneurship, as a response to the new social needs caused by the Covid-19;
  • A virtual educational game for youth workers that facilitates knowledge on social entrepreneurship.

The project targets are educators, youth workers, counsellors and youth leaders who will act as active agents of social transformations. For this reason, the consortium implementing The Factory of Ideas is composed by a variety of organisations whose expertise is about youth, formal and non-formal learning, social innovation, personal development and gamification. ASPAYM Castilla y Leòn (Spain), Biderbost Boscan & Rochin (Spain), CEIPES – Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’Educazione e lo Sviluppo (Italy), Rosto Solidàrio (Portugal) and GAMMA Institute (Romania) are going to cooperate for the effective implementation and results of the project.

The kick-off meeting gave participants the opportunity to get to know each other’s organisations and to focus on the earlier implementation steps. The next Transnational Meeting will be held in presence in Portugal.

Project activities will last from 2022 to 20/08/2023.